Accredited online accounting degree programs in Maryland serve as an alternative to traditional degree programs. Before you can work as a CPA in Maryland, you will need to go to college and complete at least five years of study. Only after finishing your work can you sit for this licensing exam. Some of the top programs in the state offer test prep for students getting ready to take that exam. You can talk with your peers and professors to pick up tips on taking for the test and what to do on the day of this exam to make sure that you pass.

Frostburg State University

College of Business

Frostburg State University is one of several campuses in the University System of Maryland but the only one located in a rural portion of the state. Founded as a normal school in the 1890s, it provided programs designed to supply future teachers with more education. The growth of this program led to the school become a teaching college in later years. As more students enrolled in its programs, the school sought and received university status. Despite rapid growth after World War II and in the ensuing years, Frostburg State University still keeps class sizes low and has an enrollment of less than 5,000 students.


One of the more unique accredited online accounting degree programs in Maryland is the MBA/ACCT degree program that Frostburg State University offers, which allows students to earn two degrees. This program is only open to incoming students who want to earn an undergrad degree in accounting and recent graduates from the FSU accounting program. Students can complete both degrees in five years and after taking 150 credits of courses, which is less than they would need to take to earn the degrees at different times. Once you complete your undergrad degree, you’ll need to take 30 credits of MBA courses, including management decision analysis, special topics in management, leadership and ethics, economics for managers and information management. FSU allows students to take some of these classes while in their fourth year of study, which reduces the amount of time they need to work on an MBA after finishing an accounting degree.


  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)


101 Braddock Rd.

Frostburg, MD 21532

(301) 687-4008

University of Maryland

Robert H. Smith College of Business

The University of Maryland is one of the state’s largest colleges and the flagship campus of the University System of Maryland. Its official name is the University of Maryland, College Park because of its location in the state, but it also goes by names like College Park, UMD and UMCP. Established as an agricultural college in the 1850s, it became a state college in the 1910s and became the University of Maryland in the 1920s. U.S. News & World Report ranked UMCP as having the some of the best programs in business, engineering and education in the world.

Master of Science in Accounting

Through its Robert H. Smith College of Business, the University of Maryland offers a Master of Science in Accounting. Considered one of the top accredited online accounting degree programs in Maryland, this program offers more concentration options than any other state school does. You can choose to narrow down your focus on public accounting, internal auditing, financial regulations or taxation. The concentration that you select will determine the electives that you take. Some of the classes in this program look at contemporary issues in the accounting field and current trends that you need to know about before looking for a job. You will also take classes on how to identify signs of fraud, how to detect fraud in the financial sector and how to investigate potential crimes. UMCP has an alumni network of more than 60,000 former students working in cities around the world who can help you prepare for licensing exams and find a new job.


  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)


University of Maryland

College Park, MD 20742

(301) 405-1000

No matter what you want to do with your accounting degree, you need to pick a program that helps you reach your future goals. The top accredited online accounting degree programs in Maryland let you earn your degree and prepare for the CPA exam while working a full-time job and/or taking care of other commitments.

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