Accredited online finance degree programs in Florida give students an alternative to the traditional college experience. While you might love the idea of living on campus and interacting with your peers at a younger age, you may feel differently once you have a family or a full time job. Those commitments can make it nearly impossible for you to find room in your schedule for school and homework. These online programs give you all the freedom that you need. Enrolling in an online finance program lets you complete your advanced degree without taking hours out of your weekly schedule to drive to campus.
University of Florida
Distance Learning
Even if you were born and raised in a different state, the odds are good that you know about the University of Florida. With a population of more than 40,000 students, it’s the largest public college system in Florida. Founded in 1853 as a seminary school, the college later moved to Gainesville and built a much larger campus. That led to the school becoming the University of Florida. It now ranks as one of the more affordable state colleges and a best value school for out of state students. Washington Monthly ranked UF as the 22nd best university in the entire nation.
Master of Business Administration in Finance
Though several colleges offer accredited online finance degree programs in Florida, the University of Florida is one of the only state colleges that offers an online MBA in finance program. This lets you earn a Master of Business Administration in Finance. The basic program takes two years to finish, but UF also offers an accelerated program that students can finish in just 16 months. Before classes start, the university requires that all new students attend a weekend orientation session that lets them know more about the program, meet other enrolled students and talk with the professors teaching their classes. You’ll also need to attend weekend sessions every four months to let your professors know that you’re following along with the program and that you understand the materials presented to you. The University of Florida also offers a global immersion experience that lets online students spend one week studying abroad for course credit.
- Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 392-3261
Finance degree programs teach you everything from how to invest your clients’ money and help them build their portfolios to working with accountants and following financial laws. Learn more about all these topics and many more when you send off your application and enroll in one of the accredited online finance degree programs in Florida.