Once you have a degree in business, accounting or finance from an accredited college or university, you might start looking for accredited online finance degree programs in Delaware. Though this is the smallest state in the country, it does have one such program designed for those who want to take classes online instead of on campus. Programs of this type are great for working students who cannot take time away from their jobs and students who have other commitments that require their time and attention. With an online finance degree program, you can set your own schedule when earning your degree.
University of Delaware
Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics
Established in 1743 as a tiny school, the University of Delaware opened before Delaware actually became a state. It operated out of Pennsylvania before Delaware achieved statehood. With a population of more than 22,000 students, UD is one of the largest private colleges on the East Coast. On its list of top colleges in the country, U.S. News & World Report put UD at number 75, and ARWU included the university within the top 100 on a similar list. Bloomberg Bussinessweek called the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics one of the top business schools in America too.
Master of Business Administration with Finance Concentration
The University of Delaware offers MBA students several different options when it comes to how they want to take their classes, including a hybrid program and the online program. When looking for accredited online finance degree programs in Delaware, you’ll find that UD has an online program that lets you earn a Master of Business Administration with Finance Concentration in just 16 months. The university offers seven week classes six times a year. You can take each class offered to finish the program in under two years or take just one class every few months. Finance majors often work in positions like financial consultants, bankers, loan officers and financial planners after graduating. You will need to take a minimum of three finance electives, but UD offers a wide range of courses that include international finance management, investment management and corporate financial analysis. UD also gives finance students the option of doing an independent study project.
- Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
303 Alfred Lerner Hall
Newark, DE 19716
(302) 831-2129
Whether you want to enroll as a part-time student or a full-time student, you’ll love the benefits that come with an online degree program. Even if you live in a neighboring state or across the country, you might like the idea of enrolling in an accredited online finance degree programs in Delaware.