Degrees in the business field have really become a very popular choice for students recently, and many students are looking for accredited accounting degree programs in West Virginia. Many with a knack for numbers are finding themselves leaning towards degrees in accounting. This opens up career possibilities for students in both public and private firms. Some students who complete an accounting degree open up their own firms and others may contract and work from home. Regardless of the accounting career goals students have in mind, West Virginia has options to help set you up for success in an accounting career.

West Virginia University

College of Business and Economics

Originally established in 1951 under the name WVU College of Commerce, it was renamed as the College of Business and Economics in 1971. Students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, tools and values required for success in the global marketplace through the coursework offered at the College of Business and Economics.The college is dedicated to instilling the values into their students in regards to diversity, ethics and excellence. Students will excel in research, scholarship and innovation. Students will have the opportunity to partake in internships. Students will engage in collaboration to put their research and knowledge to good use to prove their understanding of the business field.

Master of Professional Accountancy

The Master of Professional Accountancy degree program offered at West Virginia University is designed to help students gain a deeper understanding of accounting and provide students with a more enhanced set of skills as they pertain to accounting and business. The MPA program is a modernized program that will help students expand their field of knowledge in accounting and business. This degree program is ranked as one of the top in the country, which gives students the reassurance they need that they will be receiving nothing but the best as they further their education in accounting. Upon graduation students will have the foundation they need to carry out a successful career in accounting.



West Virginia University
College of Business and Economics
1601 University Ave.
Morgantown, WV 26506-6025
(304) 293-4959

West Virginia University is dedicated to providing excellence in higher education to their students. Students with a strong interest in carrying out a strong accounting career would benefit from furthering their education by pursuing a master’s degree. While many students may struggle in planting themselves in a solid public accounting degree after finishing their bachelor degree, a master’s degree can really assist with proper job placement upon graduation. The accredited accounting degree programs in West Virginia can really help set students up for the success they’re looking for in an accounting career.