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The Exchange Rates
as of Dec 05, 2013 09:54 UTC
US Dollar 1.00 USD Euro 0.735248 British Pound 0.611546 Indian Rupee 61.799256 Australian Dollar 1.109751 Canadian Dollar 1.066838 Emirati Dirham 3.672906 Swiss Franc 0.901852 Chinese Yuan Renminbi 6.091691 Malaysian Ringgit 3.228221 New Zealand Dollar 1.221350 South African Rand 10.499814 South Korean Won 1060.528277 In America $1 can buy you… McDonalds Premium Roast Coffee 14.5 Oz can of Vegetable Medley 125 Styrofoam Plates 20 sq. ft. of Giftwrap A Box of Crayons 7 lb. Bag of Cat Litter A Lottery Ticket A Newspaper A Box of Bandages A Box of Tissues Antibacterial Spray Cleaner 6 pack of 16.9 oz Bottled Water 2 Yellow Legal Pads The Big Mac, an International Comparison 1986: The Economist published “The Big Mac Index” a lighthearted approach to analyzing the difference between actual prices and exchange rates. Average price of a Big Mac in America in July 2013 was $4.56.What “Implied” Exchange Rate Is: Take China for example. You have the actual price a Big Mac sells for in China… 16 Yuan… or $2.61. But the actual exchange rate of dollar to Yuan is 6.13 to 1. This means that if China sold Big Macs solely on the basis of the actual exchange rate, it would cost more than 16 Yuan. They don’t. They are undervaluing it by 42.8 percent. So… by that measure…the implied exchange rate is 3.51 yuan to 1. China Big Mac Price: $2.61 (Yuan 16.00) Actual Exchange Rate: 6.13 Yuan : $1 (What the exchange rate actually is.) Implied Exchange Rate: 3.51 Yuan : $1 (What you’d think the exchange rate would be based on the price) Undervalued by: 42.8% India Big Mac Price: $1.50 (Rupee 90.00) Actual Exchange Rate: 59.98 Rupees : $1 Implied Exchange Rate: 19.75 Rupees : $1 Undervalued By: 67.1% Mexico Big Mac Price: $2.86 (Peso 37.00) Actual Exchange Rate: 12.94 Pesos : $1 Implied Exchange Rate: 8.12 Pesos : $1 Undervalued By: 37.3% Sweden Big Mac Price: $6.16 (SKr 41.61) Actual Exchange Rate: 6.76 SKr : $1 Implied Exchange Rate: 9.13 SKr : $1 Overvalued By: 35.1% Norway Big Mac Price: $7.51 Actual Exchange Rate: 6.13 Kroners : $1 Implied Exchange Rate: 10.10 Kroners : $1 Overvalued By: 64.7%
*Exchange rates calculated July 2013. In Zimbabwe, a hamburger that costs $1 in U.S. would cost up to $15 in U.S. dollars (the country adopted the U.S. dollars in 2011) What is PPP? PPP stands for Purchasing Power Parity. Example: If a soccer ball costs $10 in the U.S., it should cost $7.40 in France when the exchange rate is .74 to $1. Effectively, both cost $10. The relative version of PPP is calculated as:
”S” represents exchange rate of currency 1 to currency 2
”P1″ represents the cost of good “x” in currency 1
”P2″ represents the cost of good “x” in currency 2 Around the World, $1 U.S. will buy you… Kenya: $1 buys eight cups of milk Bangladesh: $1 buys 1 dozen eggs United Kingdom: $1 buys a copy of The Sun newspaper Vietnam: $1 buys 3 pairs of flip flop sandals Colombia: $1 buys a cup of coffee and 2 cookies Denmark: $1 buys a liter of Milk Turkey: $1 buys 3 bottles of Water Russia: $1 buys 1kg of Apples Peru: $1 buys 3 ice cream cones Croatia: $1 buys 3kg of Potatoes Belgium: $1 buys 3 cans of baked beans Korea: $1 buys three songs at a Karaoke club Austria: $1 buys a freshly baked Kornspitz India: $1 buys a full meal of boiled rice, dal, vegetables, pickles, and chutney
Commodities (what you could get for $1)
Crude Oil: 0.4316 gal Heating Oil: 0.326 gal Gold: 0.000814 troy ounces Silver: 0.0516 troy ounces Corn: 0.232 bushels or 7.424 lbs